Inclusive Wellbeing Economies
To promote and enable inclusive wellbeing economies across Yorkshire and the Humber
Lead Director of Public Health:
Debs Harkins (Calderdale Council)
Background to this ambition:
Covid-19 has exposed the extent and depth of health inequalities in the region and country more broadly. As we emerge from the pandemic, poorer areas and populations remain at risk of becoming more disadvantaged as the economic consequences of the pandemic are realised. The links between health and the economy have never been clearer.
As we recover from the pandemic, we have the opportunity to develop a more sustainable and inclusive approach to growth and economic development which is underpinned by improvements in health and wellbeing. By building resilience into our economic models, we can support the reduction of health inequalities and build a fairer society for our communities; but this can only exist within the social and ecological confines of our planet.
Inclusive and sustainable economies are a mechanism to reduce health inequalities through improving the health of people and communities, ensuring that economic activity is sustainable and achieving shared prosperity for all, with no-one left behind.
For further information please contact Lead Advanced Practitioner Fellow: Shane Mullen, ADPH Y&H
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