Data and Evidence


Gambling Related Harms - Evidence Review

Gambling-related harms: evidence review - GOV.UK (

 Leeds School Survey results 2018-19


'Problem Gambling' in Leeds Research Report for Leeds City Council

Problem-Gambling-Report.pdf (

The Wider Impacts of COVID-19 on Health tool

Wider Impacts of COVID-19 (

Policies and Interventions to Reduce Harmful Gambling

Policies and interventions to reduce harmful gambling: an international Delphi consensus and implementation rating study - The Lancet Public Health

Public Health England Rapid Review - COVID-19 and gambling harms

The impact of COVID-19 on gambling behaviour and associated harms (


The Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) - Gambling resource collection

Collection | Australian Institute of Family Studies (

The Australian Department of Social Services

Gambling Tagline Research Phase 2: Implementation and Market Testing


Public Health Advocacy in preventing and reducing gambling-related harms 

Link to the paper here.