Day 3 - Falls Management and Response


Video: introduction to the day (Sarah Monks) 1.5 minutes 

Video: I Stumble Pilot (Danielle Miller and Natalie Howson) 11 minutes 

Video: Medicines Optimisation After Falls (Anne Bentley) 16 minutes 

Narrated PowerPoint: Dizziness and Older People (Dean W Metz). NB: you will need to click the play icon on each slide.  

Video: Supporting Unpaid Carers (Campbell McNeill) 16 minutes 

Video: Dementia, Delirium and Falls (Dr Sara Humphrey) 44 minutes 

Video: Managing falls in the community (Yorkshire Ambulance Service) 6 minutes 

Video: Falls rapid response service (North East Ambulance Service). 6 minutes 

Please see the pre recorded presentations below.