Speaker Biographies
NEAS First Aid Training
NEAS First Aid Training are the trainer of choice for public, private and third sector organisations across the North East of England. Since 2012, we have trained over 22,000 delegates from over 1,400 businesses and organisations.
Our award-winning Specialist Skills team delivers paramedic-led training to ensure you have the skills required within your workplace or social environment to deal with any incidents. We can help you to make sure your skills are up-to-date and that you comply with UK regulations.
We offer a wide range of courses to help to support you and your workplace. This includes, falls prevention, first aid at work, emergency first aid, CPR, AED familiarisation, mental health first aid, conflict resolution, drug awareness training, assessment and quality assurance certificates, fire safety and many, many more. You can find out more on our courses pages.
All the money that we raise through training and event cover is reinvested back into our ambulances and crews.
Lynne Shaw RN, MSc. BSc. PG Cert Advanced Practice, Older Person’s Nurse Fellow. PG Dip. Strategic Workforce Development Lead (Older People), Ageing Well Network, North East & North Cumbria
Since first registering as a nurse over 31 years ago Lynne has spent most of her career specialising in the care of older people. She has held a number of roles including ward sister, community matron, nurse specialist in acute and community settings and was the lead nurse in the Gateshead Care Home Initiative which received national recognition within the New Care Models ‘Vanguard’ team. Passionate about care improvement and integrated care delivery, Lynne’s current substantive role is varied working across acute, intermediate, and community care settings as a nurse consultant. Regional secondment to this strategic team, further developing and delivering the EnCOP Competency Framework provides an opportunity to continue to play a key proactive role in promoting system-wide improvements in the care of older people
Angela Fraser RN, MSc. BSc. PG Cert Advanced Practice, Older Person’s Nurse Fellow. PG Dip. Strategic Workforce Development Lead (Older People), Ageing Well Network, North East & North Cumbria
Angela is a Strategic Workforce Development lead supporting the regional implementation of the EnCOP Workforce Competency Framework. Angela is an experienced older person’s nurse and after 25 years still feels privileged to work within older person’s care. Angela has worked in various positions, developing her early career from Staff Nurse through to Ward Sister, Nurse Specialist and Matron roles within the acute hospital setting; and for the past 10+ years, within intermediate care, social care and community based care. Educated to Masters level, Angela is an older person’s nurse fellow with a keen interest in frailty and what this means for older people living with frailty in their day to day lives. Angela enjoys practice and workforce development with the aim of improving services and care for the older population and believes when working with older people, no matter what your job role is, or where you work, you should be valued and supported to develop the necessary skills, knowledge, values and behaviours to work effectively within this challenging but exciting and rewarding area of care.