Making Every Contact Count - Links and Resources
There is a whole raft of resources available to Make Every Contact Count, please find below the MECC Community of Improvement's pick of some of the key ones available.
The Population Wellbeing Portal
The Population Wellbeing Portal is free to access by anyone who can positively impact public health and wellbeing.
The Portal offers free access to education, training and professional development resources, to help deliver improvements in public health and prevention. Providing a central location for numerous e-learning resources, reading material, guidance, toolkits and videos, factsheets and many more resources relating to population health.
MECC Link - Simple signposting to better Health and Wellbeing
MECC Link is a simple but flexible online tool that has been carefully designed to support an approach to positive behaviour change called 'Making Every Contact Count' (MECC). MECC Link helps you to raise awareness, motivate and signpost people to help them to improve their health and wellbeing. MECC Link gives you access a full range of signposting information for health improvement, including self-care and national and local support services...and it does this all in one place by providing:
- Easily accessible information on key healthy lifestyle topics
- Suggested open questions using the Ask, Assist, Act model
- Information on a range of primary Self-care tools and resources
- Signposting to recommended national and local support services.
Making Every Contact Count (MECC): Practical resources
MECC Implementation
These documents support the local implementation and evaluation of MECC activity and the development of training resources.
This includes:
- Making Every Contact Count (MECC): Consensus statement
- Making Every Contact Count (MECC): Evaluation framework
- Making Every Contact Count (MECC): Implementation guide
- Making Every Contact Count (MECC): Quality marker checklist for training resources
Menu of Preventative Interventions
Public Health England (PHE) has worked with partners to identify preventative actions that can improve people’s health, support quality improvement and potentially save the NHS and the wider system money. This menu details interventions that are estimated to give a return on investment (ROI) and can demonstrate cost-savings to the health and care system over a 5 year period.
All Our Health
A framework of evidence to guide healthcare professionals in preventing illness, protecting health and promoting wellbeing.
Health Matters
Health Matters brings together facts, resources and information on major public health issues for public health professionals, local authorities and CCG commissioners.
This brings together in one place the most informative data and the best evidence of what works in addressing major public health problems and includes infographics, videos, case studies and slide sets alongside written content.
Everyday Interactions: measuring the public health impact of healthcare professionals
Everyday Interactions focuses on the public health impact of four of the key healthcare professions within the wider workforce: nurses and midwives, dentists, allied health professionals and pharmacists (although it is hoped that it will have wider appeal) and aims to support these healthcare professionals as they record and measure their public health impact.