Minding the Gap


Minding the Gap is an independent programme of work to drive action across the whole spectrum of the determinants of health to reduce health inequalities. Funded by the Directors of Public Health across Yorkshire and the Humber, it has for many years been at the forefront of our advocacy work in the region.

Overseen by a diverse steering group, including elected members, it provides a collective and independent voice through which the Public Health system can advocate for policy and action to address the drivers of inequalities, as well as helping to build capacity and capability through sharing knowledge and expertise. The reach of Minding the Gap is broad and there is a strong focus on working with elected members, as key decision makers in local systems. 

There is a monthly programme newsletter where we share the latest evidence base and updates and news of upcoming events.

To sign up to our monthly newsletter please sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/Xq7cT7j9NV

For any questions please email us at: mtg@dhsc.gov.uk


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Key Documents

Learn more in a collection of reports and articles underpinning themes relevant to the work of this programme