Sector-led Improvement
Sector-led improvement is based on a culture of collaborative working, sharing good practice, constructive challenge and learning. The Public Health SLI programme is based on the principles set out in the LGA document “Taking the Lead”, which states that:
- Councils are responsible for their own performance and improvement and for leading the delivery of improved outcomes for local people in their areas.
- Councils are primarily accountable to local communities (not government or inspectorates) and stronger accountability through increased transparency helps local people drive further improvement.
- Councils have a collective responsibility for the performance of the sector as a whole.
- The role of the LGA is to maintain an overview of the performance of the sector in order to identify potential performance challenges and opportunities and to provide tools and support to help councils take advantage of this new approach.
The Yorkshire and Humber ADPH network is facilitating a programme of work in partnership with Public Health England to develop a sector-led improvement approach.