What is C-WorKS?

C WorKS is a community that brings together people and organisations across the North East and Yorkshire to reduce the impact of wider consequences of COVID. As a network we collaborate and share knowledge, expertise and resources across health and wellbeing topic areas, including health inequalities. The C-WorKS Khub site offers data, analysis, research evidence and further links grouped into several themes.

Where to start

Want it?

For questions around the wider impacts of COVID, C-WorKS provides a forum to make links with people, groups and organisations who may have the intelligence you need, or those who are able to assist in answering your questions. You can post a question directly on the C-WorKS resources.

Know it?

For intelligence and analysis relating to COVID consequences, C-WorKS provides a forum for you tell others about this. You can share your resource as a post on C-WorKS resources, or via attending a C-WorKS event .

Share it!

By sharing either your request or resource via C-WorKS allows the network to identify common areas of work, intelligence needs, resources and insights.


How to join C-WorKS

  • You can join C-WorKS and access C-WorKS resources by registering with Khub if you haven’t already.
  • Once your account has been created please navigate to the PHINE Khub group and simply ‘request to join’. This is a restricted group for those working within a public health remit.
  • Once access has been granted please visit the C-WorKS or C-WorKS resources (tabs found across the top of the page).
  • You can also join via email to LKISNorthEastandYorkshire@phe.gov.uk