Webinar ‘human rights issues’ faced by people with learning disabilities and care home residents - 18 May 2021
On the 18th of May a webinar was run on human rights issues faced by people with learning disabilities and care home residents.
The Yorkshire and Humber Health Inequalities Covid-19 Network ran a Webinar which focused on ‘human rights issues’ that people with learning disabilities and care home residents face. The following issues were explored: inequity in access to services; the Mental Capacity Act and its application; Do Not Attempt Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) Orders and Death Certification.
The inequalities surrounding these key legislative issues are nothing new for these population groups, they have persisted for a long time; with the Covid-19 pandemic shining a light on the emergent need to tackle these inequalities which have only widened.
The aim of this meeting was to look at these inequalities and what local partners across health and social care can do practically, to address the impact of these issues on these groups, across our region.
A copy of the recording of the webinar and presentations can be found below.