Supporting CYPs Mental Health in schools (NG)

Mental Health Support Teams 

The Mental Health Support Teams are a service designed to help meet the mental health needs of children and young people in selected education settings i.e. Schools and Colleges.

Teams are made up of senior clinicians and higher-level therapists and Education Mental Health Practitioners. The MHSTs will work with the mental health supports that already exist, such as counselling, educational psychology, school nurses, pastoral care, educational welfare officers, VCSEs, the local authority, including children’s social care, and NHS CYPMH services. They will be based across education settings as an additional resource within a whole-system approach to promote resilience and wellbeing, support earlier intervention, enable appropriate signposting and deliver evidence-based support, care and interventions.

For more information, please visit the NHS website

Senior Lead MH Training

School Nursing

Whole School Approach 

Regional Case Studies