Schools exclusion posters May 2022

We are pleased to advise the posters related to the Health Protection In Education and Childcare Settings (HPECS), are now live on GOV.UK.


The title of the webpage may be changed to ‘Infectious Disease: education and childcare settings’ to be in line with associated guidance and wording. Hopefully this will update in the next few days.

There are 3 posters available here Infectious diseases: schools and other childcare settings - GOV.UK (


Poster 1 – Managing infections in schools (black background) – original posters design kept and wording aligned to education and childcare settings (removal of ‘school(s)’)

This is available for settings to order printed copies from Home - Health Publications (Managing infections in education settings - signpost poster V1 - Health Publications)


Poster 2 - Managing infections in schools (white background/green writing) – original poster design kept and wording aligned to education and childcare settings (removal of ‘schools’)

This format has a white background making it suitable for settings to print as required.


Poster 3 - Should I keep my child off school? (white background/green writing) – new poster created on the back of a Northern Ireland poster and adapted to UKHSA requirements

This format has a white background making it suitable for settings to print as required.

As there has been interest in making poster 3 available for ordering printed copies from Health Publications, we are hoping this will be possible in the near future.