Y&H HPT Epi Reports and Alerts
Y&H Notifications Reporting
UKHSA publishes reports on the numbers of laboratory notifications received. UKHSA’s Information Management section collates the returns of registered medical practitioner (RMP) notifications and laboratory causative agents nationally and publishes analyses of local and national trends weekly. To subscribe to reports, please use the following link:Subscribe to reports by email.
Y&H Epi Reports
If you would like to receive regular Yorkshire and Humber epidemiological reports, please e-mail the UKHSA Field Service North East and Yorkshire and Humber yhfes@ukhsa.gov.uk
If you would like to receive alerts on any of the following topics: emergency response, infectious diseases, immunisation, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), radiation protection, laboratories and reference facilities, research testing and standards, health surveillance and reporting programmes, chemical and environmental hazards health emergency planning and migrant health, please use this link: Sign up for updates to health protection topic updates