Yorkshire and Humber – Enhanced Regional Support Programme
17 October 2022

An enhanced regional support programme for Specialist Registration by Portfolio Assessment (SRbPA) has been developed and approved as a system wide partnership between the Y&H Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), Y&H School of Public Health (Health Education England) and the Y&H Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH). Please see link tile below
Time commitment |
1h |
1.5h |
Listen to UKPHR podcasts: Introduction to SRbPA (07:46) The pre-application process (11:47) The reference (12:23) |
0.5h |
Attend UKPHR Q&A webinar (please below) |
1.5h |
Read though the application criteria on the application form |
0.5h |
5h |
Those interested should also be encouraged to join Clare Mills’ National Peer Support Network which meets monthly online: Email Clare.Mills@leicester.gov.uk
For further information on the above, please contact Chris Sharp, Regional Workforce Development Manager, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) chris.sharp@dhsc.gov.uk