The Y&H APDH network actively supports a wide range of Community of Improvement (CoI) Networks alongside our three priority ambitions. Both our networks and priority ambitions are focused on improving outcomes and reducing health inequalities though place based action and regional collaboration.
The Y&H Association of Directors of Public Health - Annual Report for 2021/2
Our Communities of Improvement (COI’s)
Communities of Improvement are defined strategic networks that are jointly supported by Y&H Association of Directors of Public Health (YHADPH) Network and the Y&H Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).
Our Priority Programmes
The Y&H APDH network support a range of priority programmes, workstreams and networks in partnership with government departments, including UKHSA and OHID as well as the four CMOs and the NHS.
Our Shared Ambitions
The Y&H ADPH network have agreed three regional priority ambitions. Our regional shared priority ambitions provides an opportunity to maximise our collective focus to improve health outcomes across the public health system.