Public Health Intelligence North of England (PHINE)

PHINE Leads is the Community of Improvement for data and intelligence, attended by the PHI Leads for each LA across the region. In contrast to other CoI's, PHINE Leads:

1. Is skills-based rather than topic-based

2. Covers not just Yorkshire and the Humber, but also the North East

PHINE Leads meetings are supported and managed by OHID’s LKIS team. There are 4 meetings a year, where we share good practice and work collaboratively to achieve the following aims:

  • Promote how intelligence can add value to the system
  • Drive improvements in access to data, in particular record-level datasets  
  • Develop the Intelligence workforce across the region
  • Facilitate peer to peer shared learning
  • Influence the design and content of national tools and resources
  • Agree a shared perspective and voice on common issues & challenges, such as ICSs and PHM (sorry, can you sort the formatting on this one)

PHINE Leads is the steering group for the PHINE Network, open to anyone in the region with an interest in data and intelligence, focussed on CPD events, currently around 6-8 per year

For queries please contact:
CoI Chair: Des Cooper , CoI Lead: Scott Anderson


Virtual Network: