Healthy Weight and Physical Activity
The Healthy Weight, Nutrition, Food and Physical Activity is a defined strategic network that is jointly owned by Yorkshire and Humber Directors of Public Health (DsPH) Network and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID). It is sponsored by the DsPH Network and OHID to establish a joint approach for the development of a work plan that will support the improvement of public health outcomes within Yorkshire and Humber.
This Community of Improvement provides a forum around Healthy Weight and Physical Activity across Yorkshire and Humber to focus on public health priorities, collaborate and work at scale to deliver improvements. The group identifies priorities that are a number of regional stakeholders including local authorities and develops an annual work plan and agreed set of outputs to address these issues.
This Community of Improvement provides an opportunity to actively ensure Y&H are engaged and visible with national healthy weight and physical activity agendas, and the group annually reports back to the Y&H AsDPH Network on established and delivered collective priorities.
We are also supporting the The Yorkshire and Humber Physical Activity Knowledge Exchange (YoHPAKE), a regional network designed to bridge the gap between research and practice in physical activity and sport. This network can be accessed through the YoHPAKE kHub.
For queries please contact:
CoI Chair: Rose Dunlop, OHID Lead: Nicola Corrigan
Health Weight and Physical Activity Resources: