Religious Groups (RG)

Sport England research shows that people who state they have no religion are more likely to be physically active compared to those that belong to a faith group.

Of those that do, analysis of the Active Lives Adult Survey data shows that participation in sport and physical activity is higher among some faith groups than others.

For example, amongst those practising a religion, those of a Buddhist, Christian, Jewish or Sikh faith are more likely to be physically active. In contrast, activity levels are lowest amongst those who practise Islam.


Recommendations  (Religious Groups RG)

  • Engage with places of worship and ensure faith leaders involvement
  • Diversity training essential for leaders to challenge own bias (LGBTQ+)
  • Ensure a safe environment and location which is free from discrimination (LGBTQ+) (SE)
  • Consultation to ensure interventions lead to community sustainability (SE) (OA)
  • Evaluations over a longer timeframe to ensure community needs are met (OA)
  • Understanding cultural needs, and make considerations for these