Making Every Contact Count & MECC Link
Making Every Contact Count
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to behaviour change that uses the millions of day-to-day interactions that organisations and people have with other people to support them in making positive changes to their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Training resources for staff are a key element of a Making Every Contact Count (MECC) programme. Ensuring staff have the skills, knowledge and confidence to deliver the right messages and information to members of the public can govern whether your programme is a success or not.
The National MECC Advisory Group has developed a quality marker checklist for training resources to support organisations in implementing and sustaining MECC programmes. It provides organisations with a set of quality markers for developing new training materials and evaluating existing training. These resources can be found on
For further information on Making Every Contact Count in Y&H see the dedicated page on this website Making Every Contact Count in Yorkshire and Humber
MECC Link is a simple but flexible online tool that has been carefully designed to support an approach to positive behaviour change called 'Making Every Contact Count' (MECC). MECC Link helps you to raise awareness, motivate and signpost people to help them to improve their health and wellbeing. MECC Link gives you access a full range of signposting information for health improvement, including self-care and national and local support services...and it does this all in one place by providing:
- Easily accessible information on key healthy lifestyle topics
- Suggested open questions using the Ask, Assist, Act model
- Information on a range of primary Self-care tools and resources
- Signposting to recommended national and local support services